May 21, 2004

Take Your Picture Off Another Wall...

...So what happens now? Where am I going to? Gen Med D, that's where!

I can't believe my two weeks in heme/onc are at an end. They went by in a flash. But they also took forever, so... Time again plays tricks on my brain. I feel bad reporting that my patients are oriented X4 (person, place, time and situation), when I really only make it to 2 - and that's on a good day.

My latest dilemma: I seem to bond well with the elderly. Really well. I even got flowers from one (and her daughter is going to send a letter of praise to the clerkship director - I didn't even have to beg for that!) I even have a good time just sitting and chatting with my 65+ yo patients. My problem with this: does this mean I should be a geriatrician? Does it? I've always said pediatrics was the road for me, but I honestly have very little experience with pediatric medicine. I've played with sick kids, but I've never had to care for them. And I like old people! And it really bothers me to see the way some people treat them. I just don't know that I could handle it day after day after day... We'll see what happens. I do my peds rotation in January.

It's the weekend! I actually get a weekend this weekend! I don't know what to do with myself. I still have no $$, so I pretty much have to stay home-bound. Or the YMCA. Actually, I am going to Carowinds on Sunday...that is costing me some's so much fun! And... my birthday is coming'll call this an early birthday present to myself. Yee-haw!

Okay. The weekend has started, yet here I sit in the library at school. I must get out! Maybe I'll dye my hair. That would be fun.

Asheville. I want to go there. And Charleston. Why are these random people in here talking about all these fun places to go? And sailing classes! And canoes! Good grief. My head is going to explode. Now they're bragging about all the 'fun' people they know. I'm a fun person! I know fun people! Think they'd mind if I joined the convo?

GAH! I'm getting out of here!

I have pretty flowers at home! :)

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