Oct 19, 2004


HA! 'Tis my last call on the service of Trauma.

ACTUALLY: 'Tis my last call in the year of 2004! Saints be praised!

I am about to embark upon the mythical world of "Outpatient Medicine."

Outpatient Medicine, where the office doesn't open until after 7. 8, even.
Outpatient Medicine, where they actually break for lunch.
Outpatient Medicine, where there is no ER, OR, ABG, CT, MRI...
Outpatient Medicine, where no one pages you.
Outpatient Medicine, where there are no red sheets.
Outpatient Medicine, where there are no daily vitals, labs, CXRs.
Outpatient Medicine, where the day ends before dark. In the WINTER.

Could such a thing be truly possible? Me little brain thinks not, but others swear it is so. I feel compelled to believe them.

Should we, ethically, morally or consciously miss the days where wearing our hair in a side ponytail/bouffant was not only fashionable, it was professional?

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