Oct 9, 2004

ED Party!

I had the odd experience tonight (this morning, really) of knowing almost every single doctor in the ED. The ED resident, both medicine consults, the psych consult (hi Maripat!), the neuro consult, the vascular surgery consult, the neurosurgery consult, and of course the trauma guys. It was like a party. For me. I made sure to invite the gentleman who'd had his face slashed WIDE open in a bar brawl. No party is complete without him.

The day part of Friday was awful, but the on call night part has been much fun. It's all in the attitude of those above you. The intern on tonight is fantastic, as is the resident. It makes things so much more bearable - fun even!

And now, at 5 am and 23 hours into the day (I overslept this morning...yesterday morning), I am within shouting distance of my bedtime! Could life be better?

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