Oct 5, 2004

Good Grief

People are going out of their way to be annoying this week.

It is starting to aggravate me. In order to overcome the nuisance of peoples' existence, I am playing the "What Animal Are You" game, in which I decide (based solely on looks, generally) what animal a person would be. If they were an animal. For instance, this morning, I had rounds with a turtle, a hare, a giraffe and a jaguar.

If I had one big, grand all-powerful wish, I'd wish that I could make a little wish every day. (a loophole the 'no-wishing for innumerate wishes' rule) Today my wish would be that the hospital had a room that one could go to just to scream. It would have to be sound-proofed. Wouldn't that be nice, though?

Is innumerate a word?

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