Aug 3, 2004

Say it ain't so!

I must admit that I did something...horrible today. Almost unspeakable. But, maybe I can absolve myself by admitting this to the internet at large. ::Deep breath:: I went to the library (I's awful...) and I looked up an article (wait, it gets worse) and I MADE a COPY for my ATTENDING. ::Multiple thuds as bodies hit the floor after fainting in horror:: Yes, folks, I've wandered into the Land of the Gunner. I swore this day would never happen. But I couldn't help it! I was just really interested in this case we'd seen. I know...feeble excuse for actually making a photocopy specifically for my attending... I'll just have to make sure it doesn't happen again!

What could be so fascinating, I'm sure you are wondering, that would cause me to stray from the straight (and really quite wide) path of the semi-slacker? Beer Drinker's Potomania. Yup. You read that right. Beer. Drinker's. Potomania. Who knew?!? We saw a patient yesterday who was admitted with a sodium level of 99. Ninety-nine (bottles of beer on the wall...) Normal is 140. People with levels of less than 120 are usually in a coma or at least seizing. This patient's was 99. Lab error? Nope. Repeat level was 105. Granted, the patient was somewhat delerious at first - apparently thinking they were on a game show at some point.

Anyway. I'll spare you all the details. :)

I'm on call! This time with the very soft-spoken resident who I just know has a personality/sense of humor stashed somewhere behind his 1970's too big eyeglasses. I've seen glimpses... He (kind man that he is) let me eat. Mmmm. Food.

I got my dinner at the new Einsten Bros. bagel place that they opened a couple of weeks ago at the hospital. Unfortunately, they seem to have had the screening question "Are you an idiot?" on the application and mistakenly only took people who checked the "yes" box. Or maybe it wasn't a mistake. Anyway...getting food there is always an adventure.

Now I'm watching I Love the 80's on VH1 and just chillin'. Yeah. Chillin'

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