Aug 11, 2004

Goldwhales (of yore)

My last night on call in psych. Whoopee! Though, since surgery is coming up next, I don't know exactly how thrilled I should be... Eh, at least I don't have to take call for the next 2+ weeks. Ain't no one gonna page me while I'm on a cruise ship, baby.

So. I must vent for 20 seconds. Maybe more. The last time I was on call, I didn't get dinner. The grumpy resident did buy me a bag of chips, which was really quite nice, but I still blamed her for my hunger. Guess what? Tonight, again, I am missing dinner. And, again, it is GR's fault!! How could such a thing come about? I'm glad you asked. Well, actually, it isn't really all that interesting. We saw that there were several psych consults down in the ED, she said, "aren't you on call?" I (being between the rock and hard place of yore) said, "Um. Yeah." Then she told me to go down to help him. At which point, the nine year old that lives in my head started in "you're not the boss of me!" Unfortunately, I'm 26, and GR does get to grade me, and the attending was in support of the idea. So I went. Hungry.

Actually, I did stop by the cafeteria to grab a snack, so that I wouldn't be stuck at 8pm (when the caf closes) up the creek of yore without a paddle. Of yore. I'm totally on a modified version of the no carb diet for a week (no more than a week - I'd implode) before cruise-time. Guess what? There is no 'snack' sold in the cafeteria that is not made of extreme amounts of carbohydrates (with carb sprinkles) So, I kinda had to break my diet. Darn that GR. I got some trail-mixy stuff from a bulk bin. Lots of peanuts. And rosemary or something. AND goldwhales. That's right - not goldfish. Goldwhales. I thought that was interesting. But then, I'm easily amused. Much like the people of yore.

Anyway, I'm working with accented resident tonight. He's actually eating dinner, but I had my goldwhales, and didn't feel like struggling to make accented small talk over a wilted salad, so I ran away to blog, blog, blog.

Now I have to go help admit a patient. Grrr.

I don't think they did things like this in DOY (days of yore). I wanna go... Anybody gonna come along?

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