Aug 4, 2006

What Do These People Have In Common?

Annette Bening
Mira Nair
Kim Basinger
Kate Hudson
Jon Bon Jovi
Michelle Rodriguez
Hugh Jackman
Jessica Alba
Danii Minogue
Joan Collins

Any guesses?

Nope. No, again. You're totally wrong.

So what is it? According to MyHeritage's face recognition software these celebrities share certain facial characteristics with yours truly! Meaning... they look like me! What an honor for them. Especially Hugh Jackman.

Who do you look like???

(hint - someone I know looks like Meryl Streep and Naomi Watts... and Elton John.)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I most resemble Robin Gibb. You know, from the Bee Jees.

Thanks for that confidence booster.