Aug 21, 2006

"That Was Fun!"

Eventually, I'll get around to writing about this past week (which included, for one, my ten year high school reunion!)

But first -

I started the NICU today. I won't even begin to talk about how utterly clueless I am. They're so small, you wouldn't think they'd be all that scary. But they are. Terrifying. Especially when the Peds Department Chair is the attending, and both chiefs and the program director decide to join you on rounds on your first morning when you don't know the patients or how to calculate all the crazy calculations or how to even touch an 800 gram baby without feeling like you're going to break them into ten million pieces.

But. Anyway. I had clinic this afternoon. Two of my patients were siblings, just in for their regular check-ups. I did my normal schpiel with them, and as I walked out, the older sibling said to the mother, "That was fun!"

Fun! The kid had fun! At the doctor's office! And I was the doctor!

It's nice to know that I'm not completely hopeless.

In other news. I'm on call tomorrow night. In the NICU. Alone. Me. The doctor. Taking care of thirty babies who are very, very sick. And being the doc to go to deliveries where they expect the baby to do poorly. Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHA.

Okay, so... There is a fellow on, which is SO SO SO nice to know. But not all the fellows are terribly helpful. I hope they're nice to me.

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