Aug 15, 2006

The Great Equalizer

I got to go back to the DMV today. As you may remember, I went a while ago to get my driver's license. I was on top of that because my Oregon license expired on my birthday in June. The registration part, I've been putting off - mostly because, well... I've been working. Officially, though, you have ten days - ten - to register your vehicle in California when you move here. Most states give you thirty days.

Regardless, I've exceeded that time period. And, me being me, I was honest about it. Darn you scruples!!

Anyway. Let me tell you about the registration process in the lovely state of California. Aren't you just filled with excitement?!

First, you need a car. Haha! Duh.

Then, you need to take the car to get emissions tested. Your options are: a test only site, a test and repair site, or a something-something certified site. You might think that a certified site seems appropriate. Wrong. Then, a test and repair site obviously seems like the right choice. Also wrong. You need a "Test Only" smog testing site. Duh. It costs $50 for the test, and another $10 for the certificate saying you got the test. (Why not just charge $60?? Like anyone is going to get tested just for the heck of it.)

Then, the DMV needs to verify your VIN. This part, thankfully, is free. Plus you get to watch someone fail a motorcycle driver's test and give props to a 16-year-old who just passed her behind-the-wheel test.

Then comes the Great Equalizer: the DMV waiting area. What a fantastic cross-section of Culture. Everyone has to go to the DMV at some point. Unless you're so rich that you never even bother getting a license, I guess, counting on a chauffeur to take you everywhere. I wonder, too, if Tom Cruise or Paris Hilton, etc. have to _wait_ at the DMV. Maybe there's a special "Stars Only DMV."

But I digress. Thoughts do tend to wander far and non in the DMV waiting area, though.

So, when your number is finally called, you go to the window with: the registration form, VIN verification, Smog certificate, old registration, vehicle title, driver's license and proof of registration.

I had it all! I was SO set. I even remembered my checkbook, since the California DMV only takes cash or check. (Actually, they do take debit cards now, but that is a fairly new development)

But, guess what? IT WASN'T ENOUGH. Apparently, Mother California considers pick-up trucks - ALL pick-up trucks - to be 'commercial' vehicles. Never mind that they may be driven by a girly pediatrics resident. Nope. Commercial. Meaning: I need to go to a TRUCK STOP to have my Commercial vehicle WEIGHED.

They did let me pay the $212 to register, though (including the $23 late registration penalty.)

Now I get to go get my truck weighed - who knows how much that costs. Then I get to GO BACK, wait some more, to pay for license plates and tags. Another $50-70.


I'm going to need to start using my truck commercially to pay for all of this!

The best part of all of this? I'm leaving town tomorrow (for my ten year high school reunion!!!!!), so I'll have to take care of the truck stop issue when I get back. While I'm in the NICU. Which is the rotation notorious for consistently exceeding the 80 hour work week regulations.

Sigh. What can you do?

Did you read this whole post? Crazy person. It's about the DMV. Let me get your opinion, then... Personalized plates or no? I can get the "Kids" plate with either a heart, star, handprint or plus sign. What would it say, though?

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