Mar 3, 2006

Wikipedia Friday

Before I begin this week's installment of W.F., I'd like to share with you what one of my attendings said to a patient this past week. We were talking about why the patient shouldn't take a certain medicine on an empty stomach. Attending said: It is like you write a letter to the Stomach Ache Doctor: 'Please give me a stomach ache.' And he will." I almost burst out laughing right there. Then I did a little dance in my head, because pediatrics really is so much more fun than anything else. Stomach Ache Doctor. Ha!

Now, on to the main event:

Today's topic: Hideo Itokawa

What I learned about "Hideo Itokawa": I learned that Hideo Itokawa was a genius, who skipped many grades, and then became a pioneer of Japanese rocketry. In fact, they called him Dr. Rocket (not quite as cool as Stomach Ache Doctor, I fear). He had many hobbies outside of rocketry, including baton twirling and English plays. He published 49 books before his death in 1999, at the age of 87. There is an asteroid named after him.

Personal anecdote involving "Hideo Itokawa": Well, I never met the man. I did have a friend from Japan in elementary school. She never mentioned him, either. Nor did our Japanese foreign exchange student we had that one time. Geez. You'd think Dr. Rocket would have gotten more respect. He sounded like a very interesting and intimidating man.

Thoughts on Wikipedia's "Hideo Itokawa" article: I was pleased with the brevity, and also the depth that Wikipedia included in this article. There was also a sense of light-heartedness surrounding Hideo Itokawa's many extracurricular hobbies. Well done, Wikipedia.

1 comment:

Kris said...

This was MUCH more interesting than last article.