Mar 24, 2006

Excuse Me!

Just now, I had a girl literally run after me in the hallway yelling 'Excuse me! Excuse me!" I thought it was someone in a rush just trying to get past other people with a large bag or something. There are always people rushing around in a hospital with large bags. Or something.

But it turns out, she was actually trying to get my attention. She recognized me as her Kaplan teacher from a couple of years ago. She's starting school here in the fall, and wanted to thank me for helping her do well on the Verbal Section! ::warm fuzzies::

How awesome must it be to be an actual teacher (instead of a fumbling wannabe like me) and be able to shape the lives of so many people. Teachers deserve so much credit. I hope people give them ::warm fuzzies:: all the time. Though, unfortunately ::warm fuzzies:: can't be exchanged for dollars or gold.

Or burritos.

Excuse me, all teachers!: You rock!!

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