Mar 27, 2006


I like the word 'lull.' It is such a pretty sound. And I love that it can be a verb - to lull - it sounds like what it means.

But today, I use it in the 'before-the-storm' sense. Or rather, between the storms. The storm of Match Day has passed. And now is the lull before GRADUATION happens.

Everything is nice and peaceful right now. I'm on my last - last - rotation as a medical student (genetics), and I'm so peaceful (in a state of lull), that I don't even care all that much about anything going on. I have not made one peep on this blog about the resident or other student that I'm working with. And believe me, had this been in a non-lull month - I'd have been more than peeping.

And the tragic story of the honor student who got pregnant, thus ruining her grandiose plans, only to find out that the fetus has a not-compatible-with-life genetic mutation, thus ensuring that she will actually be able to follow her plans? Or the parents of the eight-year-old child who were just told now that their child is retarded and won't 'get smarter'? These stories have fallen into my lulled little brain with a small little thud, instead of drumrolls and large cymbal crashes as they would have a few months ago...

My entire existence now, is focused on the arriving storm: Graduation. Finding a place to live. Doctor. Moving. Doctor. Residency. Doctor. California. Residency. DOCTOR.

Time to batten down the hatches!

1 comment:

David and Ari said...

that was a great entry.