May 15, 2006

So They Say...

I'm officially a doctor now. No more denying it... Be warned. :)

I hope to have fantastic pictures of the event soon - it will serve as final proof that I'm not just some delusional blogger making up a life more fascinating than my own, true life. Though I'm sure, after reading my blog, there is no one that thinks that I'm making it up. It is much to boring for that.

But now, the next time you see me in the grocery store, make sure you give me a big, hearty "Hi, Dr. Yard!" I won't answer (who, me? Doctor?), but I'll appreciate the effort.

Oh, and I made sure to note the first thing I said as a doctor (after 'thank you'), as a predictor of my future professional life (something I made up, but doesn't it sound official-like?!) The first thing I said: "Was it?" I don't know what that means for my future...

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