Oct 31, 2005


Happy Halloween!

I don't have a costume, and you can just shut up about that. I am wearing bat earrings, though. And if you're not careful, they might fly off my ears and into your face. Ha!

Tomorrow, besides being the day after Halloweed, is also November 1. Two very big and important things are happening (and I am all atwitter):

1. Dean's Letters go out to residency programs. Actually, they are no longer known as 'dean's letters,' but rather "Medical Student Performance Evaluation." Whatever. It is a letter. The dean wrote it. 'Nuf said. ANYway, many residency programs (claim to) wait until the MSPE goes out to offer interviews. Most programs claim to wait, while actually giving interviews to the more 'desirable' candidates, but whatever. TOMORROW IS THE DAY. I expect an e-mail box FULL of interviews tomorrow by 7am. Never mind that it is only west coast schools that I have to hear from and my seven is their four. I don't care. I WANT A BOX FULL.

2. National Novel Writing Month begins!!! I have two plot ideas floating around in my head. Tomorrow I'll have to pin one down and wrestle 50,000+ words out of it. One plot would involve a 16-ish year old girl in high school, the other a 12-ish year old boy on an adventure. Any suggestions?

Wish me (and my compatriates) luck!

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