Jun 2, 2004

Week the Last

Tomorrow is the first day of my last week as a 25-year-old. I liked being 25. It went by awfully quickly, though, and I feel like I missed most of it. 26 is freaking old. I'm going to be in my late 20s soon. Aren't I supposed to have more...stuff? Houses and cars and beach-front property? And...kids and all that jazz? I don't feel old enough to be that old. Not that 26 is old. It is just older than I feel. I feel 17. That was a good age! But then I'd be like Doogie Howser or something. (Which, by the way, was just added to TVland's line-up)

What is the appropriate way to spend one's last week of 25-dom? Any suggestions? And what is the best way to usher in the onset of 26? My plans right now consist of me singing Happy Birthday to myself. With a cupcake. And a candle. And maybe a margarita. Or a Diet Pepsi.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'd like you to know, that for my last 3 birthdays, none of my friends cared enough even to call me. Let alone, show up to my "parties" Cheer up Charlie...
Uh, I guess that song wont help out too much, it's the crappiest song out there! I dont understand how such a crap song is supposed to cheer charlie up...