Jun 11, 2004

Confessions of a Psycho

Okay, so yesterday was my birthday. Yay for me, blah, blah, I'm old and all that jazz.

Now to the real matter at hand: the question of my sanity.

So. My very first week as a third year medical student, I worked with a team that was entirely male (11 males and me on rounds...odd experience) They were only there for a week, but during that one week, I let myself become slightly obsessed with one of the males on the team. The only reason for this was that he was single. To this day, he is the only single resident/intern/attending that I have worked with - male or female. Well, there was one other guy, but I'm 95% sure that he's gay, so he doesn't count.

Anyway. The intern. He has kind of a fun name (which I'm not going to post online - I'm not that dumb), so it is kind of fun to repeat it in my head. Much as one might repeat the phrase "Hearken to the bananas soliloquize rhapsodically." I was sad when said fun-named intern left the team. He was a nice guy, after all. And single, which appears to be my only qualification at times...

I knew that I could potentially see him around again, though. He was doing outpatient stuff for a month, then would be back at the hospital. I didn't know where, though. Then. My first day on general medicine, fun-named intern's brother is on one of the other medicine teams (he's a fourth year med student). I overhear that FNI is working in the MICU. Since then I've seen FNI's fun name on several charts of patients that get sent to us from MICU. But I had no occasion to actually go to the MICU to take care of some spy-team spying.

THEN. Yesterday, one of the nicest patient's I have had went in for a colonoscopy to look for GI bleeding. During this, the doctor managed to tear a hole in her colon. Yeah. Now it's bleeding. Darn... I feel very bad for this patient - BUT - guess where she is right now? Go on! Guess! That's right. She is in the MICU! I just went to see her. AND!!! FNI was there! I couldn't come up with an excuse to go talk to him, and I'm not 100% sure that he saw me...but. It was still fun anyway. :) I went to the cafeteria to get a Diet Pepsi to celebrate. Though...after more than a month... I'm starting to think that maybe I should shift my attentions to FNIB. That's fun-named intern's brother, who also, incidentally, has a fun name.

Sane or no? You be the judge. I'm off hearkening to those lovely bananas.

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