Mar 11, 2012

Day 9: Spring Forward, Indeed

I know that people with children dread daylight savings days because it throws routines off by an entire hour. I can only imagine the chaos this inspires in a house with babies or young children. I figured I'd get this first daylight savings for free, since Marian is on no discernible routine at the ripe old age of 9 days.

And, in fact, she blessed me with the longest uninterrupted period of sleep in her short life last night: over 3 hours! Four, if you count the "spring forward" hour (which you shouldn't, because it is obviously not there, silly you!) But then, somehow, she must have heard that we were supposed to lose an hour of sleep last night, and thus decided to pay me back for those three hours in spades. From 4:30 to 8 am, she would not let me stop feeding her for more than 10 minutes. And every 1-2 hours since then, she is ready to eat again.

Today, my friends, I know what tired is. Definitely beats some (not all) PICU calls. And unfortunately, unlike a PICU call, I can't take a 36 hour nap afterwards! I am so tired, I can barely form full sentences. My eyeballs hurt, I am so tired. And I still can't move because my c-section incision hurts, and I have a headache from stupid allergies, and on and on... (imagine all this in an incredibly whiny voice)

But, seriously, who could be upset with this face:

And, in other, once in a lifetime news: Her umbilical cord fell off today!

I have to go feed the baby now...

And, honestly, so far Marian is the most amazing baby I've ever had the pleasure to meet, and that isn't just flat out exhaustion speaking.

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