Mar 14, 2012

Day 12: Enter the Pacifier

We were attempting to forgo the ubiquitous pacifier for Marian. A bit of the "we are better parents than that" or "our baby is to good for that" feeling, I think.

But then my milk really came in. With a vengence. Which is not surprising given the alphabetic range my bosom has traversed since I got pregnant...

Anyway, little Marilu really likes to suck. And suck. And she fills herself up, and above and beyond. And while it may be fashionable in Panem's Capital to empty the stomach to make room for more food, we don't encourage that in Sacramento. 

Thus, last night found us bringing out the pacifier.  We are still working on how much is appropriate to eat, but at least I have a way to 'stopper' her, at least temporarily.

And thus go the ideals of "perfect" parenting - one suck at a time!

1 comment:

cageyy5 said...

oh yeah. you could listen to words of wisdom from your mother or figure it out for yourself!