Mar 27, 2012

Day 25: Gas.

First of all: holy cow, Marian is 25 days old!  We have had so much family visiting, I kind of lost track of how old she is getting.  Also, I can't believe that I have been nursing her every 3 hours for 25 days. There have been a few instances where she went 4 hours, but many more times when she only went 1-2 hours.

Anyhow, she had a rough night last night. She wanted to eat every 2 hours, and in between was whining and grunting a LOT. (And every little sound wakes me up...)  Poor thing had bad gas. It continues thru most of the day.

It actually got to the point where I decided to try simethicone... I can't tell you haw many times I have rolled my metaphysical eyes when parents request gas drops for their little ones. There is no evidence that the drops work, so I tend to think it is the equivalent of 'snake oil' or some such other 'miracle' cure that is really just sugar water or watered down whiskey.  I have heard lots of parents claim the drops work, though, and I felt bad seeing Marian so uncomfortable, so we went to Target to try it out.  (And to get her vitamin D and a cute outfit... I'm a sucker for cute baby clothes!)

I gave her like half a dose of the simethicone, because I got nervous about giving her medicine! And... did it work? Maybe... After her half dose, I changed her diaper, fed her, and she slept comfortably for 3 hours. But then she woke up gassy again.  So, maybe it was coincidence, but maybe it worked? Certainly my sleep deprived self is willing to try again. And my pediatrician self will stop rolling my eyes - metaphysical or otherwise - when parents request 'snake oil.'

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Jennifer's baby had a lot of gas, her doctor had a whole list of things she wasn't allowed to eat anymore. I'm sure you already know that though, being a doctor already...