Jan 27, 2011

Theoretical Baby Mash-Ups

You know how Jay Leno will combine two celebrity's faces into a baby? Usually a really ugly one?

Well, technology has now advanced so much, that you can make your own baby Mash-Ups! The websites that do this generally take themselves pretty seriously though, and actually make babies that resemble real humans.

Anyway. Here are our hypothetical babies:

Clearly the oldest, and most loved baby, as it has its own frame, and the two of us hanging out in the bottom corner.

I think this child has ADHD. You can tell it just by looking at him.

And finally, the scary child that we don't tell anyone about, and keep locked in the basement. Because, dude. This baby is scary. You can try to make it less creepy, by dressing it in a fuzzy duck suit, but it is still going to haunt your nightmares.

And, no, this is not an announcement of impending baby-hood. I just found the baby mashup site, and thought it was funny.

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