Jan 20, 2011

Coffee Table Book

Does anyone else remember that episode of Seinfeld where Kramer came up with the idea for the coffee table book about coffee tables? Well, I've had an idea for a coffee book table for some time now.

A coffee book table with vanity license plates!

Sounds fascinating, right? Yeah, not so much. But isn't that the point of coffee table books? Most seem to be large books full of pictures about some almost interesting, but not quite fascinating, topic. Like... pictures of flowers, or landmarks or cute kids. Fun to flip through, but nothing you'd curl up with on a rainy day.

Anyhow, I saw two great potential plates for my CTB (That's my new acronym for "coffee table book." Because there are not enough acronyms in the world). And VLP will, obviously, be "vanity license plate."


The owner of the car on the left is clearly an anesthesiologist, as the "EN2BATE" plate suggests and the "MD" sticker confirms. The owner also has a son who is an Eagle Scout (of whom they are proud), a child who goes/went to Country Day, is a Christian, was in a branch of the armed forces and went to some school that starts with an "S." You can tell a lot about a person from the back of their car!

The owner of the car on the right appears to be crazy. I cannot for the life of me figure out what "INJYGLF" means. "In Joy, Gleefully?" or "Injury Go Left?" I think what it might be (but this is a conclusion I've come to after literally 10 minutes pondering it? is "Enjoy Golf." Nothing else on the car helps guide me to an answer on this one.

And thus the flaw in my VLPCTB: half the time you can't figure out what the message is supposed to be!

Incidentally, my favorite VLP in the doctor's parking lot at work is "BYBYBUN" owned by a nephrologist. Get it?


Anonymous said...

I got "Enjoy Golf" from that too (in about 10 seconds, not 10 minutes, but whatever, who's counting?). Which is weird though, right? If you like golf enough to spend money on a plate to show to the world... wouldn't you have something like "GLFLUVA" (golf lovah, i dont want you to waste another ten minutes)?


Sophia said...

We have a neighbor whose license plate says "BUNION1" & the frame says "Podiatrists saves soles".