Jan 1, 2011

New Years: Traffic and Resolutions

It's 2011!

Time for new resolutions to be resolutely resolved, or for old resolutions to be picked up, dusted off and put back on the shelf and re-resolved.

In the past few years, I've abstained from resolving, safe in the knowledge that I can't keep a resolution beyond about the time it takes me to say the words, "This year I will..." This year, however, I've decided to bring back the resolutions! Something about it being a new decade and all. 2011! It's almost the teens! Everything is new and different!

Resolution #1: Make Resolutions this year. DONE! See? How hard was that??
Resolution #2: Blog today. DONE! I'm on a roll!
Resolution #3: Post a picture to my blog every day. So far, so good (see below)

For a while (about 10 minutes, to be exact), I thought it would be fun to resolve to make a new resolution every day this year, and then keep track of how long I actually kept them. Then I decided that was a stupid idea. Then I proceeded to berate myself for having such a stupid idea in the first place. Then I resolved to stop berating myself for stupid resolution ideas.

Resolution #4: Stop berating myself for stupid resolution ideas.

I've about resolved myself out now. I think I will try to post pictures every day, though. I thought about doing it on Facebook - you know, the whole 365 days of pictures thing. But I felt that may be too much picture-posting on Facebook, and may make me come off as a bit... over-zealous. But what is the point of a blog, if not to be a place of self-aggrandizing hubris-ness? Hubrosity?

So, without any further ado, or any further resolutions, my picture of the day:

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My drive to work this morning! Ta-da! NO traffic! Turns out working on New Year's day is pretty awesome. Well. Not the working part, per se, but the driving to work part. Everyone else is home asleep, missing all these lovely New Year's Wide Open Roads. And New Year's Rain. (Which, it turns out, is just as wet as last year's rain.)

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