Oct 19, 2006

To School Brenna Wore Her New Skirt vs. Homoscedasticity

One of the things that drew me towards pediatrics in general, and my particular program... particularly... is the general focus on advocacy. Kids are little and need someone to stand up for them, right? Well, I have two good legs and at least two good feet, so... go me!

And I now currently find myself on my Advocacy rotation (refer back to choosing this program particularly). Many residents (peds ones even!) find the advocacy rotation to be... less than useful. And I'll admit that it is no great strain on my intellectual capabilities (hee! see how smart I am with my big words?!), but despite - perhaps even because of that, I dig it. And I can talk myself into a big fiery ball when I start thinking about how kids in general are treated/dealt with in society. But I don't like to play with balls of fire (even great ones), so I won't go there today.

All this was to explain why I found myself sitting in with a sixth grade class this morning. I love sixth grade classes. I saw some Vocab, some Reading Comprehension, and then something about sentence structure. Maybe that was what it was called: Sentence Structure. Probably not. There's probably a more 'official' word for it.

Anyway, the teacher put up a projector sheet (I love projector sheets!) with some funky sentences on them for the students to correct. And one of them? One of them HAD MY NAME! In PRINT. On the OVERHEAD PROJECTOR. It was thrilling. And it was totally about me. This was the sentence:

To school Brenna wore her new skirt.

See? That was so obviously written by some stalker who has been following my life. And not studying sentence structure. Because I have totally worn a new skirt to school before. In fact, I would bet that I've done that at least once or twice a year!

That was fun.

And after Sentence Structure they had Math. They did fractions. I love fractions. I get fractions. I totally know how many pumpkins are ripe if you tell me that two thirds of the 60 pumpkins are ripe. I can even do it in my head.

Which is very exciting, but does not help me in my preparation for the Journal Club I get to help lead on Monday. For Journal Club, I am looking up words like homoscedasticity. Yeah.

I'm thinking to sixth grade maybe back I should go.

And I'll take my stalker with me.

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