Oct 2, 2006

Jelly Beans and Masochists

There is something unnatural about being awake at 4:36 in the morning. I understand staying up until four - and have often done so for various reasons including (but not limited to) enthralling books, last minute crafty gifts, and extended alcohol consumption/sobering up before letting myself go to sleep thereby decreasing hangover risk (the previous statement is hereby made invisible to anyone calling themselves "mom"). Alternately, I understand getting up at five - generally for things like plane flights and NICU shifts.

But it is this 4-5 hour that really strikes me as odd.

And exhausting.

Which brings me to my main topic: The Masochistic Tendencies displayed by People In Medicine.

Because, seriously? Who in their right minds would choose a career where you work pretty horrendous hours, are guaranteed to get yelled at by the people you're working for as well as the people you're working with, and are bound to spend many years (and many dollars) finding out that you - yes you! - are a bona fide idiot and will never be smart enough.

Not only do People In Medicine (PIM) do this voluntarily - and pay big bucks for it - they also BEG to get in!

Crazy, I tell you!

Not that I'd change any of it.

I guess you have to be one of the PIM to really understand.

....says the spiritual/emotional/intellectual masochist.


I really have nothing to say about jelly beans. I just liked the way it sounded paired up with "Masochists."

And I had some with my lunch.

Which I ate at 2. In the morning.

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