Jul 4, 2006

Independence Day!

This morning, I went in as always, and I pre-rounded, and we rounded, and then - then - my upper level said to me, "Do you think you can be ready for check-out at noon?"

And I said, "......Noon?"

And she said, "Well, yes. It is a holiday, so the people who aren't on call can check out when they're done."

At which point, I did a little jig. In my head, though. Gotta keep up appearances and all, you know. The long white coat buys you some respect, but people are still watching. Judging. And doctors don't dance.

Well, except for me, maybe. (Just not with any grace or rhythm)

So today felt like a total vacation day for me. A vacation day where I worked six hours...

And what did I do with my vacation you may be asking yourself? Because I know you are all so terribly fascinated by my every waking moment.

First, I went out to lunch with a fellow intern. A nice, relaxed lunch. Outside of the hospital.

Then I cam home and read a fun book and cleaned a little.

Then I studied.

Yes. Studied.

Darn PALS class on Thursday. THANK goodness for today, though. I don't know if I'd have had the time/patience/awakeness to even make a dent otherwise.

Tomorrow is another exciting Milestone day for me and my doctor-hood: we get medical students! Never mind the fact that, in terms of actual working days, it was only, ummmm.... 10 days ago that I was a student myself. Now, I hold young, impressionable students' minds in my hands. Mwahahahahaha!

I shall impart unto them the wisdom of the ages. Most importantly: when your upper level says to go home or to, say, check out at noon: you GO.

Relish the independence.

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