Jan 4, 2005

Valentine's Mix

Ahh, dear ones, it is the time of year where I begin thinking of my Annual Valentine's Mix. Ha-HA!! Are you not filled with thrilled excitement? It is only my Third Annual Mix, but I am still excited.

I've been thinking of a theme since last year's left the production room (aka my computer). The previous two themes were: "Love On Estrogen" (songs of female love-ridden angst) and "Ahh... The Single Life" (songs about freedom, or conversely the perils of coupledom). I've rolled through several options: Love on Testosterone (too R&B-y), Fruit (too... fruity), Working it Out (you know... exercise love songs...)

Okay, so I didn't have a good idea. I had squat.

But the Fairy of Valentine's Mixes joined me today: I have a theme!!!

I'm not telling!

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