Jan 27, 2005

I Couldn't Find My Shoes

According to this article, one in three people have called in 'sick' to work in the last twelve months. Well, go ahead and add me to those ranks today. Evil, evil Brenna. But it is not actually work that I'm playing hooky from... It's a day (probably shadowing) at a private pediatrician's office that is 45 minutes away. And I'm not taking the day to relax - I'm studying for my test tomorrow. I figure my time is better spent studying the TOME of pages we're supposed to read rather than seeing a few more well child checks or ear infections.

But I couldn't very well call in and say I got a case of the "studies" now, though, could I? So, this morning, I woke up with a "migraine."

I was going to call in sick once before, in December (after Vegas). On that occasion, I actually GOT sick. I'm hoping the same doesn't happen today...!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Studies say that the perfect 'sickness' to come down with, if you dont want to work, is a severe case of diarrhea. This should buy you one day only, no one will ask for details, and no one will be suspicous that you feel fine the next day at work.

It seems that other excuses, like migraines or stomach flu like symptoms, employers will still ask if you could come in for an hour or two. A case of diarrhea, they dont want you to come in AT ALL. Get it? Great!