Jan 27, 2005

I Couldn't Find My Shoes

According to this article, one in three people have called in 'sick' to work in the last twelve months. Well, go ahead and add me to those ranks today. Evil, evil Brenna. But it is not actually work that I'm playing hooky from... It's a day (probably shadowing) at a private pediatrician's office that is 45 minutes away. And I'm not taking the day to relax - I'm studying for my test tomorrow. I figure my time is better spent studying the TOME of pages we're supposed to read rather than seeing a few more well child checks or ear infections.

But I couldn't very well call in and say I got a case of the "studies" now, though, could I? So, this morning, I woke up with a "migraine."

I was going to call in sick once before, in December (after Vegas). On that occasion, I actually GOT sick. I'm hoping the same doesn't happen today...!

Jan 20, 2005

Babies Galore!

I'm working in the newborn nursery this week. It's like a flood of babies! Last night, as I was falling asleep, I started hearing babies cry. Hee-hee. Maybe because I'd tucked one of the five pounders into my white coat on the way out yesterday afternoon.

Okay, not really. I cannot even fathom trying to take care of another life at this time.

I killed another plant this weekend...

Send me your babies!!

Babies Galore!

I'm working in the newborn nursery this week. It's like a flood of babies! Last night, as I was falling asleep, I started hearing babies cry. Hee-hee. Maybe because I'd tucked one of the five pounders into my white coat on the way out yesterday afternoon.

Okay, not really. I cannot even fathom trying to take care of another life at this time.

I killed another plant this weekend...

Send me your babies!!

Jan 16, 2005

Well, darn.

I thought I could live the life of the sophisticated, academic-ish physician and be all smart and all that jazz. Drive the fancy car, live in the fancy house. Be a smart enough doctor that I could be rude to all the people around me and such. But it turns out that I just like kids too much. Sigh...

I can see myself being a neurologist. But I don't like that version of me as much as I like the pediatrician me. The one with the mini-van and the house in the subarbs (nice, but not nice). The one who is good at what she does, but is only a simple pediatrician after all, so has to be nice to everyone around her. I don't think that will be too hard. And I'd get to play with kids all day long!!

I guess thems the breaks.

Sorry Mom!

Jan 10, 2005

Yo quiero Mickey Mouse!

I'm on peds rotation now. It has been quite fun - where else does playing with babies constitute a patient visit? How great is that? Except when you have to see kids like those I saw today.

There are a lot of good parents. Most parents, in fact, try really hard to do things right. Every once in a while, I think they get a bit overwhelmed, though. Like when they have a two year old and a three year old at the same time. And when they don't have any good disciplining skills.

Thus the situation leading up to me chasing a three year old boy around the office while he chanted 'Yo quiero Mickey Mouse. Yo quiero Mickey Mouse.' Which, for those non-Spanish speakers (and for those who missed the years of talking chihuahua Taco Bell commercials) basically means 'I want Mickey Mouse! Gimme Mickey Mouse!"

I won't go into any detail, but I found my patience with children (usually bigger than my patience with adults) sorely tested today.

Still really like peds, though.

Jan 4, 2005

Valentine's Mix

Ahh, dear ones, it is the time of year where I begin thinking of my Annual Valentine's Mix. Ha-HA!! Are you not filled with thrilled excitement? It is only my Third Annual Mix, but I am still excited.

I've been thinking of a theme since last year's left the production room (aka my computer). The previous two themes were: "Love On Estrogen" (songs of female love-ridden angst) and "Ahh... The Single Life" (songs about freedom, or conversely the perils of coupledom). I've rolled through several options: Love on Testosterone (too R&B-y), Fruit (too... fruity), Working it Out (you know... exercise love songs...)

Okay, so I didn't have a good idea. I had squat.

But the Fairy of Valentine's Mixes joined me today: I have a theme!!!

I'm not telling!

Jan 3, 2005


Another post written while travelling.

Did you know that the Cincinnati airport is in Kentucky?

Thus I find myself writing a blog in Kentucky. (“Blog” is not a recognized word on Microsoft yet. “Microsoft” is, though)

So, early, early this morning, I left home to go… home. Which is the real one, and which is merely a reasonable facsimile? I’m tempted, of course, to call Oregon my ‘true’ home, mostly because I still exist in the transient world of higher education. No one is actually from Winston-Salem (okay, maybe one or two people are, but deal with it). And few plan on staying there.

But can I call a place home after I’ve lived more years away from it than years in it? Seven years in our house, eight years out.

I’ll just call myself bi-home-al. And bi-coastal!

Last year (cause it’s 2005, now), I went on several vacations, some (i.e. cruise) specifically designed to be relaxing. But! I am here to tell you all that there is NO place as relaxing as your childhood home. There, I don’t have to cook, don’t have to clean (beyond just picking up my own junk), don’t have to grocery shop – or even pay for the groceries. I don’t have to worry about oil changes or the electricity bill. For the whole time you are there, you are transported back into your childhood.

Can you blame us (I speak now for my generation) for putting off such things as marriage and children? Hello?! Can’t you see how good we have it? Why muddle that up with joint finances and dirty diapers?

People (our parents) wonder at the trend of selfishness that is running rampant thru the twenty- and thirty-year-olds of the U.S. We are putting of marriage! How could we?! Yes, of course this has to do with the ease of being single nowadays, and the acceptability of having a career before a family. But I also say it has to do with an unwillingness to give up the one place on earth that allows us to truly relax.

Those of us who grew up in a happy, healthy home anyway. That is not to say, of course, that people who get married or have kids early did not have a happy, healthy home. Maybe they’re just less selfish than me…

Or maybe the ultimate home is when you actually find someone that can provide you with that contentment you get in your childhood home. That would be pretty cool.

Jan 1, 2005

Happy New Year!

And good riddance to 2004. The year that was contained some of the best and some of the worst events of my life. Phew. I'm glad that's over. I'd prefer '05 to be nice, smooth sailing. Don't get me wrong, I love roller coasters and all, but I also enjoy It's a Small World, and I'm ready for a few of those clackety-mouthed kids to keep me company for a while.

Finished second year
Washington DC
Took Step One of the Boards
Got dumped by friends
Fantasia on American Idol
West Coast Tour
Started clinical years of med school
Passed Step One of the Boards
Parents sold house, building farm
August vacation: NYC, Charleston, Disney World, Miami, Cruise
My Novel!
Losing my novel (oh, yeah, it be gone...)
Las Vegas

There's much, much more of course, but I'm starting to bore myself.

I feel compelled to do a "Top Ten" list for 2004. Like Brenna's Top Ten Movies of 2004 (maybe I could work on that title) Here's what I have so far:

The Top Ten Movies Brenna Can Remember Seeing in 2004
(in no particular order, cause it is hard enough to just pick ten)
1. The Incredibles - we all know I love children's stuff anyway, but this one was custom made to allow adults admit to liking cartoons.
2. Garden State - who hasn't seen this and fallen a little bit in love with Zach Braff?
3. A Very Long Engagement - I don't know if this should officially make the list since I haven't had time to distance myself from it yet. But, goodness, for a movie coming from the Amelie guy, this movie containes some of the bloodiest/goriest war scenes I've ever seen. Oh, and a good mystery plot with lovely Audrey Tautou.
4. Kill Bill Vol. 2 - I want to be Uma Thurman. I'd even wear yellow, which makes me look like a banana. Anyone else practice the finger-distance punch? I haven't made much progress...
5. Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights - movie was really quite bad, but the main guy was hot, and we all left the theater shouting "Cuba!" while throwing our arms in the air. You've GOT to love a movie that can turn you into a mini-insurgent for even the slightest period of time.
6. Spider Man 2 - Wasn't a huge fan of the first Spidey flick. Which was why I was so shocked that I liked this one. I'm working on one of those octopus-y (no movie references intended) things for myself. I will be the next Doctor Octopus! But I'll only do good.
7. The Station Agent - I'm cheating, cause this is actually a 2003 movie, but I. LOVED. IT. Watched it like three times one weekend. I can't even really tell you why I loved it so. Maybe for the guilty pleasure of being able to watch an achndroplastic without feeling guilty for staring. Remind me to tell you the story about my three year old self and the midget convention some time. (Or ask my mom)
8. Super Size Me - Gutsy, gutsy man. In more ways than one. Imagine what his poor intestines were going through during his month long adventure. People: this movie is amazing if for no other reason than he caused McDonald's to get rid of Super Sizes. MC-FREAKING-DONALDS! Hello!? Not to say that I didn't crave a nice McChicken something upon leaving the theater. With a large fries. Mmmm. And a milkshake. Yeah, baby. Seriously, though, rock on with the stuff about childhood obesity.
9. Sideways - Again, maybe I saw this a bit too recently to put it on my list, but I couldn't think of anything else! Plus, I know that for the rest of my life, I will think of this movie any time I drink a glass of wine. Maybe not for the rest of my life, but at least for the next few months. Or days.
10. Dogville - Wow. Who knew this movie even existed until my sister told me about it?? Wowsers. I doubt that I will ever watch it again, but it will stay with me. Much like the story The Most Dangerous Game which my sixth grade teacher told us we would never forget. I haven't.

That's it! Too much writing, not enough packing.

Pack, young lady! Time is a flyin'. I'll see you soon, North Carolina...