Nov 4, 2004

November 4th

Today marks a special occasion, world. For twenty-three years ago, to the day, I became an older sister. It is a role that many have carried, but few so well as I have done. So good was I at being Big Sister, that I was invited to carry on being Big Sister four years and one month later. I'd like to thank my parents for letting me have the opportunity to be such an accomplished Big Sister by providing me with two young children to learn with.

Through the pulling out of my hair by the fistful, I endured.
Through the square-mouthed, ear-splitting crying, I endured.
Through the stealing of toys, breaking of prized possessions, hogging of the comfortable spot on the couch, I endured.

All without ever losing my temper or being a brat.

I'd like to thank you all for honoring me as the superb big sister that I have been for the last 23 years.

Oh, and:

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