Nov 2, 2004

No. 479

I voted!! Number 479 at the Ardmore Baptist Church, thank you very much. This marks the first time that I've actually gone to a real-live voting booth! (Oregon is all mail-in ballots.) You get a little pointy weapon thingy - it's great! I made sure that I poked thoroughly. There were no Pregnant Chads on MY ballot.

I'm taking an inordinate amount of pleasure in the fact that I'm dressed like a Young Republican and just cast my ballot at a Baptist church, flaming liberal that I am. Okay, not flaming, but definitely neither a)Young Republican nor b)Baptist. We Lutherans are quite liberal, thank you very much. And I'm a Kerry girl all the way. Okay, not really. But I am a Teresa Heinz Kerry girl all the way! Out with the pearl-wearing, It-Takes-a-Village-spouting, panty-hosed goodie-goodies in the white house! Bring on the Ketchup Queen!!! At least the scandal wouldn't all fall on the man in charge for once. Bring some estrogen (other than the famed and defamed Miss Lewinsky) onto the battle field of shame!

I didn't vote the straight Democratic ticket. I am registered as an independent, after all, I had to show some creativity. I voted for the Libertarian candidate for Governor. And I voted for a Republican for County Commisioner. Granted, that's because her name is Gloria Whisenhunt, and how can you NOT vote for a Whisenhunt? (And she's already been doing the job for 8 years, and I think the county is being commisionered just fine)

I did not, however, vote for any judges. I did not take the time to study their politics, and felt completely uninformed. Judges are a bit too important in my mind to leave to the choice of a cool-sounding name.

If you have not yet: GO VOTE!!! Make a statement. It's fun.

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