Nov 30, 2004

Yeah, baby. Posted by Hello


I don't like to sing my own praises, so I'll let the NaNo people do it for me:

Dear Novelist,

It is our supreme pleasure to inform you that our internationally renowned team of word-counting robots have completed their judicious assessment of your manuscript, and have passed on this final, binding decision:


Wow. You've really done it this time, writer. Where the vast majority of National Novel Writing Month participants abandoned ship at some point in the journey, you bravely persevered, continuing your literary quest in the face of ridiculously long odds.

In one month, you have written more fiction than most people create in a lifetime. You have dared to dream big, to throw long, to say: 'Enough of the self-critical crap, and the hemming and hawing. This time I'm going for it.'

And you pulled it off with aplomb. In just four weeks, you built vast worlds and set them in motion. You created characters; quirky, interesting, passionate souls with lives and loves and ambitions as great as yours.

And most admirably, you managed to find time to do it all while juggling the demands of work, school, friends and family. Most people barely have the strength to make it through dinner at the end of a tough day. You dug deep, and found the energy and resolve to make wild, deliciously imperfect art in the midst of a horribly hectic life.

It's an amazing accomplishment, and we're proud of you for seeing it through.

GO ME!!! And SUSAN!!!!

Seventy four

Two and a half hours to go and only seventy four more words to write! Yet here I am, writing words that don't go in my novel.

Figures I'd get to less than 100 words (to the 50,000 mark) and hit the proverbial wall.

WALL BE DARNED! I shall write!

Nov 27, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving

Everyone. And Merry Christmas Season.

I'm in lovely Charleston. But it is raining. Still lovely, but wet.

Less than 12,000 words to go on my novel!!! Huzzah! Problem is, I don't think the story will actually be complete in 12,000 words... That's all right. I just need to make the 50,000 word mark by Tuesday. Then I can finish the story at my own pace (which I fear may be snail-like).

Three weeks left of Family Medicine then CHRISTMAS! My little heart is aquiver with excited thrillment.

But that could be because of the incredibly sweet, strong coffee that I just consumed.

I'm OFF! Like... a firework. (I could say like a dress on prom night, but that is just crude.) I'm off like six month old milk... That's not quite right, either. (I did have some once, though, kind of like an unintentional science project. I didn't actually have it as consuming it. I just mean it was there in my refrigerator. In all its gross nastiness.)

I shall inflict the rest of the words in my head onto my novel now.

Nov 23, 2004

Mischa Barton: A Theory

I have come to the conclusion that Mischa Barton has escalated to her particular level of fame not for her extradordinary acting abilities, but rather, for the lack of them. The girl has been made famous for uttering such lines as "I mean, what did I ever do to you?", "Luke? Um... I don't know really.", and "I'm angry." in a stilted, over-acty manner on The OC (one of my fav shows, minus Marissa).

My theory: people assume that since she made it onto television, she must be talented in some way. Since she obviously can't act, she must, by extension, be pretty. Beautiful, even, since she is really quite a bad actress. Just watch her career skyrocket as her acting skills plummet...

(Though, maybe I'm being harsh, and the writers just choose to give Marissa really bad lines. But then why does Summer get to say things like: "The more time I spend with Zack, the less time I have to think about... gah, what's his face? Built like a beanpole, curly hair; runs away like a little bitch on his sailboat, leaving nothing but a note for his girlfriend who cried and cried over him till the 4th of July when she decided she doesn't cry over bitches on boats!" And who can even tell me what the actress' name is?)

Nov 15, 2004

Why I'm Proud to Hail from the Beaver State

Though this didn't happen in Oregon.

(People in Oregon don't steal from casinos)


Wouldn't you rather be galumphing around than doing whatever it is you're doing right now? I thought so.

Interesting things happen, and I do fun things, but I have not been motivated to write about them lately because my freaking word count for NaNo is like really behind. Today is the fifteenth of November, so I should have 25,000 words. At 18,000, I'm only 7,000 words behind. But, still. That's kind of a lot.

Weekend recap:

Friday night... Did absolutely nothing. Realized around 11pm that I hadn't even had a real conversation all day, despite going to school for quiz, Y to work out, grocery store for food... Then an old high school friend called at around 11:30, and my day felt much more complete.

Saturday... Um, let's see... Got up. Oh, yeah! Watched NBC's morning line-up of children's shows (I love Endurance: Hawaii - it's frightening to see how evil small children can be), then went to Barnes and Noble and wrote for several hours. Then to Greensboro with Susan and Maripat for Thai food and Bridget Jones. Can you believe that Winston-Salem is not playing that movie??? I can't. I laughed, and laughed. Was it as good as the first? Well... maybe not. I have seen the first one about ten trillion times, though. But still good.

Sunday... Dragged myself out of bed in time to go to the local Nano meeting, where I actually read part of my novel aloud in front of the group. Go me! Everyone else was doing it, and it didn't seem the time to practice my "Resisting Peer Pressure" skills. After, Susan and I went to see The Incredibles. SO good. Much fun and laughing. I love the short (Bounding - ? not sure on the title) that it starts with, too. But then we ran into one (MM)PWHM, which threw a wrench in the rest of my night. I hate hate hate that they still have that much power over me... Anyway, after movie, I went home where I cleaned my living room in preparation for the Arrival of Melissa.

Monday... TODAY!! I don't have to be anywhere until noon. I actually cleaned my bedroom this morning!! Hooray! I go to some infectious disease conference for an hour. That's all. Then I have another conference at four. Two full hours today. I don't know if I can handle it! I'd rather be galumphing...

Nov 12, 2004

Poll of the Week

Okay, even after the less than resounding response to my "What Are You Going to be for Halloween" poll, I've decided to conduct another. I need advice, and am hoping that you, the internet world-at-large, can help me out here. Read on...

My lovely sister is coming to visit me next week! Hooray and zippidy-do-da! Fun is sure to be had, but how? That is my question. Here is our itinerary so far:

1. Melissa arrives Thursday night (can't remember what time...I'll have to look into that)
2. I pick her up, and bring her back to my place.
3. Melissa sleeps in sleeping bag or on love seat in my living room.
4. I get up and go to Infectious Disease (aka mostly AIDS) clinic on Friday morning, followed by stupid quiz.
5. Early dinner at cheap Mexican restaurant supplying margaritas.
6. Followed by dress-up gathering and cocktails at classmates' house. (We've apparently graduated from keggers! Who'da thunk it. Although, considering its popularity, I can almost guarantee that a game of Beer Pong will break out. I will not play, as I have doubts about the sanitary nature of the game and don't believe that beer kills all germs. Eew.)

7. Here is where I need your help, world! To be filled by one of the following options:

A. Wilmington, NC.
Pros: Haunted Pub Crawl, Comedy Pet Theatre on Sunday, Flaming Amy's Burritos, the Atlantic Ocean, which Melissa has not really seen much of. Oh, and it is also where they film One Tree Hill, providing the opportunity for semi-star stalking.
Cons: Four hour drive; I'm not really familiar with the area.

B. Charleston, SC.
Pros: It is Charleston. 'Nuf said. For those of you not familiar, however: Charleston is one of my favorite cities ever. It is further south than Wilmington, so may be warmer (not guaranteed, though), plus you can pretend you're in big hoop skirts in an antebellum era; Lowcountry Ghost Hunt; Rainbow Row; Atlantic Ocean; Old City Market, Fort Sumter
Cons: Five hour drive, I'm going to be there the following week for Thanksgiving

C. Winston-Salem, NC.
Pros: movie theater, mall, my apartment, I know the area well, I could continue to work on my novel, could save $$$$ on gas and hotel
Cons: It's freaking Winston-Salem, NC.

D. Asheville, NC.
Pros: My favorite NC town that I've been to, Biltmore Estate, pretty fall leaves in the Appalachian Mountains, Chimney Rock Park, Blue Ridge Parkway
Cons: Three hour drive, not the ocean (which Melissa specifically requested), Biltmore estate is more expensive than a day at Disney World, it's already past pretty fall leaf season, I'm actually only including this option so that I'd have four total options.

So, folks. Them be the options. What say you? A, B, C or D?

Nov 8, 2004

Rules, part 2

7. Don't even think about hitting on anyone while she is sweaty at the gym.

8. Don't even think about hitting on anyone while you are sweaty.

9. Don't wear a ton of cologne to the gym.

10. Don't get on the machine next to her whilst wearing too much cologne. Especially when she's sweating. Because she's trying to breathe, and, putting this in mathematical terms: fresh air >> cologne. The alligator eats the fresh air because it likes fresh air better than cologne.

You know who could hit on me, even if he was wearing too much cologne and was all sweaty? This guy.

Nov 7, 2004

My lovely sisters. I'm so glad to share the same gene pool with them. Posted by Hello

Rules for Hitting on Brenna

Last night, Susan and I spent several hours at Barnes and Noble working on our novels. Susan, being a more prolific writer yesterday than I was, had more to write than I did. So, I found myself wandering around the wonder that is Barnes and Nobel (all those books!!!), and soon found in my possession (temorarily, as I did not purchase it) the best-seller "he's just not that into you." which is even outselling The South Beach Diet and The Purpose Driven Life. (finally)

If you have yet to hear of this new fad book, let me educate you. In an episode of Sex and the City, Miranda has the liberating discovery that if a guy doesn't call her, it doesn't mean that he's complicated or has issues with his mother or pet iguana. It just means that he's not into her. Simple. The whole premise of the book (written by writers from Sex and the City) is basically that men are simple. I like that! If they are 'into you,' they'll let you know.

Which leads me to this morning. I decided that Sunday morning would be a good time to continue my noveling at Panera Bread (which has free WiFi!! I LOVE Panera). Standing in line, David (a self-professed artist) starts talking to me. I did not want to talk to David, which I think I made relatively clear by my lack of intelligible responses. Anyway, this leads me to deliver to you, the internet world at large, some of the rules for Hitting on Brenna. Probably will never be published as a book, but important to know, nonetheless.

1. Don't do it before she's had her morning coffee.

2. Don't do it on a Sunday.

3. Don't persist if she doesn't giggle, toss her hair, turn towards you or make eye contact.

4. Don't brag how you just sold a piece of artwork the night before for $350.

5. Don't be in your forties.

and, perhaps most importantly:

6. Don't proceed to sit in a booth where you can see her, pull out a drawing pad and start SKETCHING HER. DON'T DO IT!!!

Creepy, creepy David. Maybe if he looked like an artist, it'd be a bit less weird.

Maybe if he hadn't picked up his cell phone, called a friend, talked loudly about how he just had an 'image of a beautiful woman that was hard to describe, he'd just have to see it' while he was drawing ME it would be less weird.

Maybe, but I kind of doubt it.

Poor David.

Nov 4, 2004

November 4th

Today marks a special occasion, world. For twenty-three years ago, to the day, I became an older sister. It is a role that many have carried, but few so well as I have done. So good was I at being Big Sister, that I was invited to carry on being Big Sister four years and one month later. I'd like to thank my parents for letting me have the opportunity to be such an accomplished Big Sister by providing me with two young children to learn with.

Through the pulling out of my hair by the fistful, I endured.
Through the square-mouthed, ear-splitting crying, I endured.
Through the stealing of toys, breaking of prized possessions, hogging of the comfortable spot on the couch, I endured.

All without ever losing my temper or being a brat.

I'd like to thank you all for honoring me as the superb big sister that I have been for the last 23 years.

Oh, and:

Nov 2, 2004

No. 479

I voted!! Number 479 at the Ardmore Baptist Church, thank you very much. This marks the first time that I've actually gone to a real-live voting booth! (Oregon is all mail-in ballots.) You get a little pointy weapon thingy - it's great! I made sure that I poked thoroughly. There were no Pregnant Chads on MY ballot.

I'm taking an inordinate amount of pleasure in the fact that I'm dressed like a Young Republican and just cast my ballot at a Baptist church, flaming liberal that I am. Okay, not flaming, but definitely neither a)Young Republican nor b)Baptist. We Lutherans are quite liberal, thank you very much. And I'm a Kerry girl all the way. Okay, not really. But I am a Teresa Heinz Kerry girl all the way! Out with the pearl-wearing, It-Takes-a-Village-spouting, panty-hosed goodie-goodies in the white house! Bring on the Ketchup Queen!!! At least the scandal wouldn't all fall on the man in charge for once. Bring some estrogen (other than the famed and defamed Miss Lewinsky) onto the battle field of shame!

I didn't vote the straight Democratic ticket. I am registered as an independent, after all, I had to show some creativity. I voted for the Libertarian candidate for Governor. And I voted for a Republican for County Commisioner. Granted, that's because her name is Gloria Whisenhunt, and how can you NOT vote for a Whisenhunt? (And she's already been doing the job for 8 years, and I think the county is being commisionered just fine)

I did not, however, vote for any judges. I did not take the time to study their politics, and felt completely uninformed. Judges are a bit too important in my mind to leave to the choice of a cool-sounding name.

If you have not yet: GO VOTE!!! Make a statement. It's fun.

Nov 1, 2004

This may be a bit blurry... I'm a participant!! Hopefully I can cross the finish line... Wish me luck. Posted by Hello

Out my EARS!

Today is November 1st. It marks the first day of National Novel Writing Month. I've taken it upon my humble self to write a (fantastic, one of a kind, best ever) novel.

Today also marks T minus about twenty days until I'm supposed to have about 20 items crocheted for the art/craft fair I'm attempting to sell my stuff in.

1. I have very little in terms of actual plot for my novel. Though I do have a very engaging main character. Not based on me at all. Seriously.

2. Though I have copious amounts of yarn, I only have six items actually crocheted.

I, perforce, will have creativity busting out of every seam of my existence for the next month. Ack!

Meanwhile, back on the farm, I narrowly missed having to work with one of the (MM)PWHM on a presentation for Thursday. Phew. Thank the stars above for that.


Then have a party to celebrate the END of CAMPAIGN ADS!!! I will personally bring the confetti and silly string.