Aug 10, 2004


I really have nothing to say, but since it has been so long since I said anything, I thought that I'd sign on to say that I have nothing to say.

I'm going to New York this weekend!

I got my oil changed this past weekend.

Ummm. I did my laundry. And went shopping.

A week from tomrrow, I'll be in Charleston (followed by Orlando, Miami, then CRUISE!)

Then I come back and start surgery. At that point, I'm sure I'll have a lot to say, but I'll be much too busy to say it.

I had an idea yesterday, but I forgot what it was...

I'm giving up carbs for a week. I think this diet works simply because there is NOTHING TO EAT.

I went to the state psychiatric hospital yesterday. It looked like a college campus. Suppose that's some sort of indication of college life?

That's all.

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