Aug 15, 2004

Day the Second

For some reason, these posts aren't actually posting. Something is screwy with the way Blogger works here at easyInternetcafe. Eh. Whatever, at least I don't appear to be losing the posts. I hope not anyway.

The spacebar on this keyboard is annoying.

So. Sadly, we did not get tickets to see "Wicked." We tried the lottery three times in two days. I think the guy running the lottery recognized us by the third time. Which is impressive, considering there were over 100 people there each time. I'm not a good judge of numbers, but I'd say there were at least 200. For 28 tickets...

Our second choice was Aida, so we decided to try for that one at the TKTS booth. Thwarted! No Aida tickets either. That bumped us down to The Producers or Bombay Dreams. Apparently, the only Producers tickets left were "limited view." So, that led us to choice #4: Bombay Dreams. We didn't know anything about it, but we both love musicals.

It was SO good! I've seen three Broadway shows now, and this one is definitely my favorite. All the Indian music and dancing, combined with an interesting plot (even kind of meaningful - a major accomplishment for the genre!) AND a very talented leading man. It was so much fun. I left it feeling the way I did when I left Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights. All pumped up, and really wanting to visit another culture. DD:HV as a movie stinks, though, and BN is fantastic. That's a big difference.

Last night, after we left this cafe, we went to dinner. I was really hungry and tired and grumpy, so I made Susan pick a restaurant (the thought of making a decision was enough to drive me to tears!) and we went to Haru, a Japanese sushi restaurant that was divine. We were going to have a 'chill' night, and maybe go see "Garden State." (which I'm dying to see, and is not playing in North Carolina - any where!) I casually mentioned Karaoke, though, and Susan was more than game. So much for the 'chill' night.

At the Haru hostess' recommendation, we ended up (after a very scary cab ride!) at Second on Second. It was very non-touristy and cool. It is actually a Japanese Restaurant/Sushi Bar as well. There were a bunch of people our age there (I was expecting old white guys and young Japanese girls) and we eventually joined forces with one group of people. I don't know if they really knew each other either, but by the end of the night we were all friends! I even had an Irish journalist (named Richard) buy me a beer. He had a great accent. It was SO much fun. We didn't get to the hotel until 3 (Karaoke was going until 4am!!) If you'll remember, this was after a mere 3 hours of sleep the night before. We were up for 22 hours! It felt like 10 days. This, folks, is how to vacation.

This morning we were up for brunch. I wore pearls. :) I wanted to fit the 'brunch' model I have in my head. So it was a sweater set, a grey pleated skirt and pearls. And my new bustier purse just for fun.

Now it is dinner time again. We're thinking pizza. Then we're off to find some dancing. It is Sunday night, but this is New York, right? There has to be some place that is open...

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