Aug 13, 2004

Dance of Joy

Today, I donned my white coat (ugly, boxy garment that it is) for the last time for two whole weeks!! To add to that excitement, when I have to weat it again, I get to wear scrubs underneath - legitamately, (ohmigosh - I have NO idea how to spell legitamately... legitamatly...legitimately...I dont' know! something must be wrong!) as I'll be on my surgery rotation.

We (my partner on the consult psych team and I) went to the VA outpatient clinic today to see one last psych eval. Let me just take a minute to express my appreciation for all of the people willing to devote years of their life to serving the country in this way. I'm admittedly not a huge fan of what the US is doing right now, but I am not nearly well enough informed to rant about it. And I really think it is noble to join the armed forces. I wish I had the guts to do the same!

I digress.

Actually, to digress would have necessitated a point in the first place. I don't know that I had a point.

I did want to mention my current favorite psychological model/theory. Learned Helplessness. Seeing that my test is in a bit over an hour, I don't have time to expound on it...I just think it is really interesting. If you put a rat (or, by extension, a child) in a position where it has no control, and keep shocking it (or punishing/beating/ridiculing), eventually that rat (or child) will learn 'helplessness.' It gives up. Stops eating, stops interacting with its fellow rat-friends. It is a model of depression, that I think is fascinating.

But now, I need to study SSRIs. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. Do you realize how much Prozac changed the world???

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