May 3, 2005

Keep on Swinging...

This week, I'm all about working the swing shift in the ED. That's 'evening' shift to those less into the vernacular. (Heh. Vernacular.)

Last night was my first shift over in the adult ED. I felt totally hopeless. And just when I was starting to feel less than a complete and total idiot (as I usually do during my first day anywhere), the surgeons descended en masse into the ED and started raising a ruckus. It was really quite awful. There were only a couple surgery residents down there (around 10 pm), but my goodness were they rude. Another reason not to go into surgery. A third year surgery resident actually chewed out the ED attending for letting a trauma come to this ED. Uh-uh. Residents don't DO that to attendings. That would be like me telling the resident what to do.

I had to talk to one of the other nasty residents about a burn that had come in. All I did was ask him to go see the patient (his own attending was the one that had okayed the patient's transfer to us) and he about went ballistic.

Ugh. Let's just say that I had a bad taste in my mouth when I left work last night. I'm hoping that tonight will be better...

I did get to help shove a scope up some guy's nose because he'd tried to use a garden hose as a siphon and ended up sucking something into his throat... Another chapter in "Things Not to Stick in Your Mouth."

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Dude, so like are the Surgical people all like the Grey's Anatomy people? They are annoying. Or SHE is annoying.

I hate her so bad...