Dec 8, 2004


I have a fifteen minute presentation to do tomorrow on immunizations. I have spent the ENTIRE night working on it. And there is still stuff that I want to change around. I am a person obsessed. Actually, it is quite interesting. I'm looking at reasons that parents would refuse to vaccinate their children - there are so many websites that LOOK like they're all official and smart, that are saying things like
"It is very clear from reviewing CDC documentation on the National Immunization Registry Plan, that U.S. government agencies and officials are ostensibly using public health to create a massive networked computer database to create a national surveillance and enforcement system. This system will monitor, intimidate, harass, and punish conscientious parents, their children, and their health care providers if they do not conform with every government recommended vaccination health care policy."
Boo-yah. You KNOW the government is out to intimidate, harass and otherwise bully people who don't try to protect their babies from horrible, awful PREVENTABLE deaths.

Let's guess what Brenna's opinion is on the matter, shall we?

Though I must admit, I'm a tad wary of the Varicella vaccine. That's chicken pox to all y'all lay people out there. (ha... y'all... I think I'll keep that in my personal vocab even after I move back to Oregon) I had chicken pox (she says, with her nose turned up) why shouldn't my kids? Plus, it was only started in 1995, and I don't believe that they know that it provides lifelong immunity. And chicken pox when you are an adult is MUCH worse than when you's a wee child. I had a horrible time, and I was only ten. I looked like a toad. And I couldn't wear my glasses. And it was about 10,000 degrees outside. Such fond memories...why shouldn't any of my kids have the same?

BUT! Look at me go on still. I must get a grip. I must get sleep.

Nighty, night, y'all.

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