Feb 26, 2011

Seven Weddings and Two Mitzvahs

This morning started out with 3-1/2 hours in synagogue, listening to lots of Hebrew. It was the Mitzvahs of two of Marc's little cousins (I believe that they are actually second cousins once removed, if you want to get specific). Twins Jacqueline and Jordan read from the Torah, and did a very admirable job.

You aren't supposed to take pictures or use electronics in the synagogue, so you'll just have to picture that in your heads.

After a quick lunch, we headed to Marc's work to help out at the Renewal of Vows Ceremony for 7 couples. Collectively, they had been married for 408 years!

Here are some of them:

This couple has been married for 68 years (69 next month):
For Marc and I to make it to 68 years of wedded bliss, I'll have to live to be 100.

After the Weddings, we rested a bit, then headed back out to celebrate the Mitzvahs some more with a reception with a New York City theme:
I felt like I'd fallen into an episode of My Super Sweet Sixteen. It was awesome! And had an open bar. And a flame show! Though that was mostly accidental, and were it not for my husband, the night might have ended very differently.

Incidentally, it turns out that if I see a child who is holding something that accidentally caught on fire, my response is to yell at Marc: "Kid on fire! Kid on fire!" His response is to take the fire away from said child and put it out.

Marc with another cousin (second cousin, by marriage. I think. There are a lot of cousins.)

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