Feb 5, 2011

The Return of Wikipedia Friday (Saturday Edition)

Back in 2005, I started the tradition of Wikipedia Friday, wherein I would go to a random Wikipedia Article, and write about it.

I know it isn't Friday, but I've decided to bring Wikipedia Friday back. But now, in the spirit of my resolution to post a picture every day this year, I've decided that Wikipedia Friday (Saturday Edition) will come complete with illustrations!!

Today's topic: Great Float

What I learned: Though The Great Float may sound like a local news stations description of a big boat rally, or water based "sit-in" style protest, this The Great Float is actually referring to a body of water in England. The body of water is formed by the natural tidal inlet, the Wallasey Pool, and is split into two docks - the East Float and the West Float. By their powers combined: The Great Float! Apparently, this involved a lot of excavating, and filling in of areas, and the project was started in 1844.

Personal anecdote involving "The Great Float": When I took swimming lessons, in addition to learning the crawl, the back stroke and diving, we also learned how to do "Dead Man's Float" which basically consisted of, you know, floating. It was what we were suppsed to do if we were ever stranded in a large body of water. SO. Assuming I ever got stranded on The Great Float, I would do the Dead Man's Float to survive. That, or just swim to one of the docks.

Picture of Me and The Great Float: This is me, by the Central Hydraulic Tower of The Great Float. In my scrubs. Because that is how I roll.

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