Mar 10, 2010

Schm-ultimate Wedding

Crate and Barrel is having a quite fantastic giveaway: a $100,000 "Ultimate Wedding," complete with celebrity wedding planner, and presumably lots of uber-goodness.

Seems like I should jump on the chance, right? One hundred thousand dollars plans a pretty dang spectacular wedding! And a wedding planner to do all the work? Huzzah!

But... I'm totally unexcited at the prospect. Even if you didn't have to create a "marketing campaign" (their words) to win since the finalists will be voted in based on the best story, I am so not interested in the prize.

I love scrounging for bargains, and hitting various thrift shops looking for the best deals. And even with all the stress involved, I am really enjoying hashing out a budget, and finding creative ways to stay within it. (and even more creative ways to expand it -- CRV, anyone??)

I also would have a reaaaalllllly hard time giving control over to a wedding planner, celebrity or not. Yes, I believe that is one tick mark in the "How to Know if You Are a Bridezilla?" column, but let's face it: I am a control freak.

And don't you, my friends and family, want to help me set up table decorations, and place settings, and flowers, and aisle runners, and a guest book, and programs, etc. on the big day? I know you do!

So, I apologize to you all in advance for not striving to have a Platinum/Ultimate wedding. But I promise you that Budget wedding Brenna-style will be pretty spectacular.

As a last thought, however, let me tell you - if someone gave me 100,000 that I had to spend on the wedding? I could totally do it. And it would start with a massage area for the guests.


David and Ari said...

Amen:) It will be awesome Brenna-style!!

Susan said...

Um, I 100% approve of the massage area for the guest. Maybe you should do that one anyway. You don't REALLY need any music or food at the wedding, do you? ;-)