Jun 13, 2007

So You Think You Can...

A lot of semi-interesting stuff has been 'going down' (to use the street slang that I am so known for) lately. But nothing compelled me to actually sit down and write another blog post until my beloved show, So You Think You Can Dance, managed to amuse me so greatly tonight.

Plus the fact that we have our "Rising R2" retreat tomorrow, and I don't have to go in until nine. Nine! NINE! I would like to tattoo the number nine to my forehead and take a picture of my face while I am skydiving out of a clown-populated jumbo jet through rings of fire into a pool of sharks to demonstrate just how happy I am about going in at nine. Except that particular demonstration of X-treme emotion would probably be taken more as fear/apprhension than the actual joy it means. So, instead, I should take a picture of me with the number nine tattooed to my forehead while I am asleep, deeply, at 5 am and 6 am. And 7 am. And, why the heck not - 8 am!

Oh, how greatly I digress.

I was watching SYTYCD tonight and for just a second, on the screen flashed by what was possibly the oddest grouping of facial expressions I had ever seen in TV: (brought to you by the magic of DVR)

Until I saw this shot:

Hee-hee! These are some of the contestants from last year, in case you don't follow the program. They're actually reacting to the judges, not the dancers.

Maybe later I'll write more.

But maybe I'll be sleeping.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where's Dimitri? We want pictures of Dimitri!