Jun 18, 2007

Homework, Chipmunks and Coleslaw

Lately I have really enjoyed tying random concepts together as the title of my blog post. Yes, I am stating the obvious - something else I like to do.

I have finally reached the Last Week of Intern Year. Ideally, I would have started this week in top form: knowledgable about a vast array of topics; quoting scholarly articles in my discussion of patient management; balancing demands of patients, parents, nurses, dietitians, discharge planners, subspecialists without a drop of sweat. In reality? Not so much.

Two things impeded my glory today: #1: I am ridiculously tired, and am barely able to complete my normal daily tasks (i.e. walking, talking, eating), much less balance all the people who want me to do things AND #2 My attending is VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT TEACHING. He asks a lot of questions. And gets very excited when I answer right. And when I get a question wrong (which I frequently do), he gets even MORE excited that I have the chance to LOOK SOMETHING UP!!! LEARNING OPPORTUNITY!!! This stresses me out. See #1.

And, now? At the end of a long, stressful day during which I had to do all sorts of challenging things like WALK and TALK IN SENTENCES and DRIVE (and manage a septic patient in respiratory distress on the floor)? I have to look up those things that I didn't know. Because tomorrow, he is going to ask again. And I think if I don't know the answer twice in two days, he will get so excited that his head will EXPLODE.

It is my last week, though. The new interns - aka our replacements - started their orientation last Friday. They're all bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Like chipmunks. But better dressed. I'd say that I can't believe that this year is over, but that sounds very cliche. So I'll just think it really hard. (Because I can't believe it!)

I'm trying to think of a smoothe way to transition from new interns to coleslaw. Hmm. Okay, follow me here: One of the new interns maybe, kind of, sort of looks like a cabbage patch kid. Speaking of cabbage... (hee-hee!)

I have recently developed a great love for coleslaw. I always thought I hated coleslaw. But now I love it.

My goodness, but that was a boring story. If life were like DVR, you could rewind back to the part about me not saying that I couldn't believe that intern year was as-good-as over, then fast forward through the part about cabbage patch kids and my new-found love of coleslaw. But life isn't like DVR, and you just spent several seconds of your life reading, first the boring story of how I like coleslaw, followed by the even more boring exposition about how you should have fast-forwarded through it if you could have. Stop the insanity!!!

I have to go do my homework now. I'm trying to figure out if there is any information I could glean about hemoglobinopathies or glycolysis (seriously, people - I have to review glycolysis) in Harry Potter. Because I really just want to read Harry Potter.

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