Jun 24, 2007

And Then There Were Two...

...years left, that is. Because (drumrollllll): Intern year is over! And, oh. my. goodness. did it speed by! Like flying on the Lear jet from New York to Paris. Not that I've been to Paris. Or, you know, on a Lear jet. But I bet the trip goes by really fast, and while you're still just barely getting over that 'oh-my-gosh-I'm-on-a-Lear-jet' feeling you find yourself being bienvenue'd to Paris. Much like intern year flies by. Which I do know from experience. Because (have I mentioned?) I just finished intern year!

We're putting aside, for the moment, the absolute terror that is the Beginning of Second Year and the Responsibility and Presumed Growth and Expansion of Knowledge Base that implies.

Now it is time for Intern Year Rehash. Because I know that everyone is incredibly fascinated wiht my little life. (for my fellow interns-at-large - I got the info from e-value)

* Total Days of Intern Year: 364
* Vacation Days: 29.58 (I don't know how that works, I'm just reporting stats!)
* Total Hours worked: 2,725.25
* Average Hours per Day (over 334 days): 8.15
* Average Hours per Week (over ~48 weeks): 57.04

* Number of Patients I Saw: Lots
* Number of Parents Who Yelled at Me: 2 or 3. But one mom yelled at me about several of her children, so maybe she should count more...
* Number of _My_ Patients Who Died: Zero - I'm more lucky than skillful
* Number of Patients Who I'd Helped Care For Who Died: Four (sorry to be morbid!)
* Number of Absolutely Freaking Miraculous, Saved From the Brink of Death Cures of My Patients: One (I was not directly involved, just watching from the sidelines)
* Number of Days I Overslept: Probably 10 or so
* Number of Days I Said At Least One Incredibly Stupid Things: 364
* Number of Days I Regretted Choosing This Life: Surprisingly, none.
* Number of Days I Reminded Myself That This is Only For Three Years: 334

Alright, I could keep going with more nonsense, but I'm even beginning to bore myself! I have this next week off, and the masochist inside of me decided that it is time for me to move again. Sigh. So I have to go pack. Which will likely not fly by like those hours on the Lear jet.

1 comment:

Liv said...

Wow, Brenna! Congrats on the end of "The Year of the Intern"!