Mar 14, 2007

Taupe and Childhood Fears

My upper level (Who is very mean. Oops - I mean nice. Very nice. I swear! Really!!) wants me to be posting in my blog every day. As if I should have something interesting and worthwhile posting about. Every day.

And in an ideal world, my life would be like Paris Hilton's, without all the drama (but definitely with all the shoes) and I'd have fascinating, mind-boggling, earth-shattering things to write about. Like the pair of new shoes I'm going to buy. For instance.

But, alas. Such is not the case.

I find that my life is rather taupe of late. You know... taupe. Like... boring? But very useful and practical at the same time. With taupe you can accessorize with anything from cherry red to teal to gold-hued with a hint of peach. Or even lime green. Probably not all the aforementioned colors simultaneously, but you get the picture.

So. Lacking anything interesting to write about that has happened recently, let's re-visit my past. Shall we?

Let's see. A story from the past.


There's really nothing.

How about this: You know how most children are scared of monsters under their bed? (Obviously by 'most children' I am acknowledging a stereotype used and abused since the dawn of the bed, from before Little Monsters up to and through Monsters, Inc.) Well. I never fell for that 'monster' thing. But I was scared of under-the-bed happenings. Read on if you dare.

My own personal night-time terrors stemmed from a simple book that would seem pretty innocuous on the surface - a biography about Helen Keller.

You know - Helen Keller. She was that woman who is famous for being deaf, blind and dumb. Which left her solely with the senses of touch and smell, making those two senses vitally important in her life.

Apparently, in the course of her life, a fire started under her bed (at least to my recollection from the book), and her sense of smell woke her up, and she saved the day! Made a huge impact on 8-year-old Brenna.

Because, well, my sense of smell wasn't (and likely still isn't) nearly as good as that! What would happen if a fire started under my bed? I wouldn't smell it! I wouldn't wake up! The pain! The heat! Horrors! Terrors!

I spent months smelling really hard before I went to sleep, and frequently moving my legs around to confirm that there was no heat emanating from the nether-regions of my bed.

Sigh. I was an impressionable young thing.

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