May 30, 2006


Moving in is hard work. Harder even than moving out. Which was hard...

With the invaluable help of my sister, Melissa, and my friend, Heidi, however, I have made large strides. They helped me unload my truck and carry all my stuff up the steep stairs to my new apartment. They accompanied me on an exhausting tour of Ikea, helped me pick out furniture, and Melissa even helped me assemble all the Ikea furniture. (Heidi smartly skipped town before we got to that stage.)

And, then, after my computer DIED yesterday (it is d-e-a-d dead), Melissa went to Best Buy with me today, where I bought a brand spanking new computer. A desktop this time. Harder for me to drop. (Actually, probably easier to drop seeing as it is all big and bulky. But we'll presume that I won't be picking it up very often.)

I am still surrounded by many unpacked boxes. And I still don't have anyplace to store my clothing... But thanks to Heidi, Melissa and my parents (for the funding), I now have a beautiful bed, a couch, a table and four chairs, a rocking chair, a television, a DVD player, a TV stand, a coffee table and various other things.

Finally, I'll have a real life 'adult' home!

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