Apr 26, 2006


Most of the time I don't write because, well, there isn't all that much that happens in my life on a day-to-day basis. But lately, there have been things going on all over the place, and I haven't been writing because I didn't know where to start! So, I just decided to not start at all.

Or maybe to just paraphrase.

Can you paraphrase something that was never written in the first place?

Let's just say that we can.

When we last heard from me, I was home for Easter. Since then, I went down to Sacramento with the parentals to look for a new domicile. Abode. Dwelling. Pad. Home.

Yeah. Not doing so good on the paraphrasing here, am I? It's Thesaurus night.

Speaking of thesaurus - I wrote a paper in high school once, and I was feeling like sounding smart, so I "shift-F7'd" a lot of words (for those that don't know, that is Microsoft's shortcut to the thesaurus). I don't remember what the paper was about, but my teacher loved it so much, that she actually read it to the class. I felt like I had cheated by relying so heavily on the thesaurus... Terribly embarassing.

Random aside is done now. But good story, no? Yeah, not really.

It takes around 9 hours to drive from Portland to Sacramento. And such an easy drive. The directions are: get on I-5 South. That's it!

I won't go into gory details about the apartment search. We looked at ten places on the first day. I was agonizing over the decision. Some places were great but pricey, others were affordable but dicey (Heh - catch my rhyme there? I'm to-tal-ly a poet) Nothing was quite right. We decided to go to a new area at the beginning of the second day. And the first place we got to look at was perfect! Or at least was missing all of the things that I had major concerns about at the other place. So, assuming all the paperwork goes through (it should), I have a home! Huzzah! It is in an area of Sacramento called "The Pocket." Not kidding.

I flew back to the NC on Saturday, and here I remain sitting on my butt doing nothing. (I did get my hair cut today). I should really be thinking about packing and selling my things and all that jazz. But it is more fun to sit and do nothing. Zero. Zilch. Naught.

I do have a preliminary itinerary for my Cross Country Road Trip, however! It is totally and completely arbitrary. It started with the plan: get on highway, go west.

There were many funny things that happened during the past week that would have been good blog posts, but now the time has passed.

Except, I do have to tell you about the restaurant whose name my parents can't remember. It was definitely more funny if you were there, but between them, they came up with "Jimmy Bob's," "Jim Bob's," "Jimmy Boy's," "Roy Boy's," "Jimbo's". It was called "Jim Boy's," so I guess they were close. But they never got it right. Probably part of the problem was that it was a Mexican restaurant. Named Jim Boy's.

Come visit me in the Pocket and I'll take you there.

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