Apr 7, 2006

Day The Last

Approximately seven hundred and eleven days ago, I wrote my first post as a clinical medical student.

Today, I write my last.

Because I quit. Haha! No, just kidding. Today is our last day on rotation. The last day that I walk around wearing my short white coat (which should more rightfully be called a short, slighty-grayish coat).

As I look back on the past 711 days, I see that while I have come a long way, there is so much more yet to go. I started out knowing nothing about anything. I approach the end knowing more - a whole lot more - but much of what I know is that there is so so so much more that I don't know. How gloriously cheesy!

Today marks the last day that I will walk into a patient's room and introduce myself as a 'student' (actually, that was yesterday, but I'm taking some poetic license here). I have been a student for twenty-one years now. That is over 7600 days. These past 711 make up less than 10% of what I have been taught. What I have learned, during these days as a pseudo-doctor is that a physician must never stop learning.

Though we are shortly to drop the title of 'student' and take on a much larger title - 'Doctor' - I know, or at least I hope, that I will remain a student in my heart. It's hard to give up a 21 year habit, after all!

So, even when I do walk into a patient's room and introduce myself as a doctor - as their doctor - I will be looking to them as my new teachers. And I will remain a student forever.

1 comment:

David and Ari said...

so serious. . .and so crazy. wow. can you believe it?
