Mar 31, 2005

Yodelling Banshees from Neptune

I have absolutely nothing to say. There are some days where a lot of interesting stuff happens, and I spend the entire day composing blog entries in my head (most of which never actually make it out of said head). But today has been... ordinary? Boring? Eh. Maybe I'm just not picking up on the interesting things.

I did get to actually help with a vaginal birth this morning. That was pretty cool. Here is my issue with OB, though: delivering babies is pretty freaking cool, but after the baby is out, I want to stay with the baby. At that point, I don't care about the mother any more. I'm all like 'Hello! There's a baby in the room!' and am completely distracted. I much prefer the baby to the mother. Partly, because all that's left for the mother after the baby is out is delivering the placenta (disgusting) and achieving hemostasis (stopping bleeding = boring)

Did you know that yodelling can be spelled with one L or two? You learn something new every day...

Also somewhat interesting is the fellow/attending whose name is Nina, but is spelled Ngina. I am going to add a silent G to my name. I'll be Brengna.

The doctor's parking lot at this hospital (private hospital) is littered with Audis, BMWs and Mercedes. With the occasional Honda.

That's about it for now.

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