Mar 4, 2005

Three Months

That is apparently how long it takes one to get over the crash of a computer, and the loss of a novel. Interesting, no?

My computer crashed about three months ago. If you'll remember, that was right around the time that Nanowrimo came to an end. I had successfully reached the 50,000 word mark (50,009 to be exact), and was finally getting around to posting it on my novel blog... Then came the crash. Like the stock market in 1929, my computer crashed; like the investors in 1929, my hopes and dreams were crashed with them.

Except that it took them years and years to get over it, and it only took me three months. And lots of chocolate.

I've finally gone back to my website, copied everything I had posted there, and discovered that I lost around 16,500 words. Not too bad... I don't think I even really liked much of the last 10,000.

So, what happens now? (does that phrase make anybody else think of Evita? Well, I don't know. I have to re-read what I wrote to decide how terrible it really was. Then, maybe if I'm feeling inspired I'll try to work on it some more.

Some others of us could use some inspiration, too, I believe...

1 comment:

David and Ari said...

yes, yes, BRING BACK JOHN . . . and FATIMA. . .please please please. . .ooh, how fun. . .and susan, i would like an ending, or at least confirmation of my suspicions :-)