Mar 17, 2005

Lesson for the Ages

If it has been, say, a year or so since the last time you went running, and you decide all spur-of-the-moment to try it again one afternoon: don't start by running three miles. Or you will end up one sore puppy. Believe me, I speak from experience.

Also: Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Also, 2: Happy MATCH Day!!! (a mere 364 days, or about 8736 hours, until mine own)

Also, 3: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARI!!! (I think I have the date about correct...)

Lastly: I missed my One Year Blog Anniversary (3/12/05), so Happy (Late) Anniversary, oh blog-o'-mine. How I love thee, and the ability thou givest me of spouting off to the world at general. You complete me. (tee-hee!)

1 comment:

David and Ari said...

yep :-). . .thanks :-)