Oct 29, 2004


Ack! Somehow it is the end of October, and this weekend includes: 1) Halloween; 2)Daylight savings time. Can you believe it??? No one checked with me - I did not give time permission to fly past like this. Goodness. Before you know it I'll be 64 and toothless.

Halloween costumes. What are people choosing to do this year? I hate being boring, and always rack my brain to come up with something clever or unique. I always fail, and end up being something... Something. In the last few years I never really know what I am. For instance: last year I wore a short blonde wig, and a sequined pink shirt, black skirt and boots. That was my costume, but it had no Title. Nothing to distinguish it from Something Brenna Wore One Night. This Halloween it will be similar. Sigh... My Creative Genious Contract does not cover Costuming (or really much of anyhting else...)

On a brighter note, as of 2:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning, the clock in my truck will be correct again! I knew if I stuck it out long enough, I would triumph.

Happy Halloween!!! What are your costumes? Comment, please. I get lonely. ::sniff:: Hey - maybe if people comment, I'll include a picture of this year's costume. Nothing like a little bribe. (Of course, I don't know if pictures of me can rightfully be used as bribes...)


Anonymous said...

ari again. . .my best was little red riding hood. . .especially when the guy i liked coincidentally decided to be a wolf. . . you, however, are much more creative than me. . .

Anonymous said...

I'm not dressing up this year. I think it's a first for me. sob. I just don't have anywhere to wear a costume. My best was a stolen idea: I was a kitchen table. hehe.

Anonymous said...

I saw "the duct tape" guys on a TV show. They used duct tape to make a "shirt" and then had all kinds of cut outs with big words that they attached to it and said you could go as those refrigerator magnets that you make poetry with.